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一、實驗動物(wù)是科技創新重要的(de)支撐條件,廣泛涉及多(duō)學科多(duō)領域。本論壇在總結和(hé)傳承前四屆成果的(de)基礎上,繼續以"提升我國實驗動物(wù)科技和(hé)福利倫理(lǐ)管理(lǐ)規範水(shuǐ)平"爲宗旨,本次論壇以"科技進步與動物(wù)福利Good Welfare -- Good Science"爲主題,探索通(tōng)過科技進步和(hé)政策的(de)完善,加速推進我國實驗動物(wù)科技和(hé)福利倫理(lǐ)管理(lǐ)水(shuǐ)平的(de)迅速提升的(de)科學途徑。論壇将對(duì)實驗動物(wù)福利倫理(lǐ)國家技術标準、善待實驗動物(wù)和(hé) 3R 理(lǐ)念如何具體實踐、實驗動物(wù)的(de)疼痛管理(lǐ)、麻醉鎮痛、福利倫理(lǐ)審查中的(de)利弊分(fēn)析、仁慈終點、國内外實驗動物(wù)替代新技術、環境豐富、福利倫理(lǐ)國際認證等相關的(de)國際合作議(yì)題進行廣泛而深入的(de)探討(tǎo),通(tōng)過借鑒國際公認的(de)管理(lǐ)經驗和(hé)先進的(de)科技成果,以期加速推動中國實驗動物(wù)福利倫理(lǐ)管理(lǐ)和(hé)科技水(shuǐ)平的(de)快(kuài)速提升。
PROGRAMME – DAY ONE - Tuesday 13th March 2018:第一天安排

8.00 -12.00 會議(yì)報到:

Venue: Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo,No.2,Tianhui Road,Laoshan District,Qingdao 266100,Shandong Province ,P.R.China

T:+86 532 66757888,or 400 8840888 ,WWW.holidayinn.com.cn
酒店(diàn)電話(huà):0532-6675 7888;酒店(diàn)聯系人(rén):甯爽(86)185 61805011
Workshops and Site Visits專題論壇和(hé)實驗動物(wù)設施參觀
13.00:Bus leaves for optional Site Visit to乘車大(dà)巴前往設施參觀現場(chǎng):限50人(rén)。
14.00:Optional Workshops自選分(fēn)會論壇 (each limited to maximum 50 attendees - pre-registration essential)(每個(gè)論壇限50人(rén),需事先注冊,額滿爲止)
Workshop A專題論壇A
Leaders主講人(rén):James Bussell、朱德生、高(gāo)翔、Michelle Creamer-Hente
Title論壇專題:Reduction and Refinement opportunities in mouse model
production, management and phenotyping小鼠模型的(de)繁育、管理(lǐ)和(hé)表型分(fēn)析中如何實現減少和(hé)優化(huà)
Learning outcomes預期成果:After participating in this workshop, individuals will be able to本專題将幫助參會人(rén)員(yuán)學會:
a. consider background and strain dependent variation when choosing mouse models在選擇小鼠模型時(shí),考慮其不同的(de)遺傳背景和(hé)種系來(lái)源的(de)不同。
b. understand the importance of structured colony management and current standards for efficient model production理(lǐ)解系統化(huà)種群管理(lǐ)的(de)重要性,以及現有的(de)高(gāo)效模式繁育方法。
c. access the relevant data resources獲取相關數據
d. utilise standardised terminology and appreciate its importance使用(yòng)标準化(huà)術語并理(lǐ)解它的(de)重要性。
e. manage data effectively and take opportunities to implement the 3R's有效管理(lǐ)數據并盡可(kě)能實踐3R原則。
Workshop B 專題論壇B:(14:00與專題論壇A同時(shí)進行)
Leaders主講人(rén):Patricia Turner & Elliot Lilley
Title論壇專題:Assessing and alleviating suffering and cumulative severity in laboratory animals 評估和(hé)減輕實驗動物(wù)的(de)痛苦和(hé)累積性傷害
Learning outcomes:預期成果:After participating in this workshop, individuals will be able to專題将幫助參會人(rén)員(yuán)學會:
a.develop a detailed assessment sheet for evaluating severity of procedures in laboratory animals制作詳細的(de)評估量表,用(yòng)來(lái)評估實驗程序對(duì)實驗動物(wù)造成的(de)傷害。
b.develop general in-house guidelines to assess cumulative suffering of laboratory animals建立内部通(tōng)用(yòng)指南(nán),用(yòng)來(lái)評估實驗動物(wù)的(de)累積性痛苦。
c.evaluate assessment data to develop refinements for laboratory animals分(fēn)析評估數據以建立動物(wù)實驗優化(huà)方法。
17.00:Workshops end / Site Visit tour returns專題論壇結束/設施參觀返回
18.00:Reception hosted by UK Government英方招待會 - venue: Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo宴會地點:青島世園假日酒店(diàn)
20.00:End of Day One第一天日程完畢

PROGRAMME – DAY TWO - Wednesday 14th March 2018

第二天日程安排 -20183月(yuè)14日周三

08.45Opening Ceremony Chaired by Sun Deming & Judy MacArthur Clark 開幕式由孫德明(míng)和(hé)Judy MacArthur Clark主持, with welcome addresses from:Qin Chuan (CALAS), Jia Jingdun (CRTDC) & Alasdair Hamilton (UK - FCO)秦川理(lǐ)事長(cháng)、賈敬敦主任和(hé) Alasdair Hamilton處長(cháng)緻辭

Including Opening Keynote:

The CRTDC-FCO collaboration on the 3Rs and laboratory animal science

Conference Photographs參會人(rén)員(yuán)合影(yǐng)


Co-chairs: Shan Hu & Robert Hubrecht主持

Session 1: Rodent welfare – some practical measures


10.15Challenges and solutions for Chinese labs collaborating internationally中國實驗動物(wù)國際合作面臨的(de)挑戰和(hé)解決方案 Wang Jianfei 王建飛(fēi)

10.45Update on Euthanasia; new findings on displacement rates for CO2 euthanasia安樂(yuè)死新進展:安樂(yuè)死CO2 氣體置換率的(de)新發現Michelle Creamer-Hente

11.15:Panel discussion and Q&A討(tǎo)論和(hé)提問

11.35:Keynote: Update on Regulations for Alternatives for Cosmetics Safety Testing化(huà)妝品安全檢測替代實驗有關法規的(de)進展 Qi Liubin 戚柳斌

12.00:LUNCH (and reset room to round tables)

Co-chairs: Kathryn Bayne & Shan Hu
主持人(rén):Kathryn Bayne和(hé)單虎

Session 2:How knowledge is gained from animal research


13.15:Keynote: Improving the reproducibility and translatability of animal-based research - what can lab animal professionals do? A pragmatic approach. 提高(gāo)動物(wù)實驗研究的(de)可(kě)重複性和(hé)可(kě)轉化(huà)性,實驗動物(wù)專業人(rén)員(yuán)能做(zuò)什(shén)麽?一個(gè)務實的(de)方法。Joe Garner

Co-chairs: Elliot Lilley & Judy MacArthur Clark

主持人(rén): Elliot Lilley & Judy MacArthur Clark

Session 3: Ethical Challenges – how to make the most of them


14.00Dealing with conflict – the Chinese Way 應對(duì)倫理(lǐ)沖突的(de)中國方式Cong Haili叢海麗

14.302-hour practical session including 20-minute break 2小時(shí)的(de)實踐環節,包括20分(fēn)鐘(zhōng)的(de)休息。

Round table discussion and role play of Ethical Committee Review and handling difficult protocols采用(yòng)圓桌會議(yì)和(hé)倫理(lǐ)審查委員(yuán)會角色扮演的(de)形式,處理(lǐ)棘手的(de)實驗方案審查。

Co-chairs: Qin Chuan/Kong Qi & Jan Lund Ottesen

主持人(rén):秦川 /孔琪和(hé)Jan Lund Ottesen

Session 4: mplementing the new Chinese standards


16.30Keynote: Update on review of China standards for welfare and ethics中國實驗動物(wù)福利倫理(lǐ)标準的(de)最新進展 Sun Deming孫德明(míng)

17.00Implementation of national standards – AAALAC International’s approach國家标準的(de)應用(yòng)--AAALAC的(de)方式 Kathryn Bayne

End of Day Two Seminar presentations第二天的(de)論壇結束

18.00Dinner hosted by CALAS 中方招待晚宴 (venue: Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo地點:青島世園假日酒店(diàn))

PROGRAMME – DAY THREE - Thursday 15th March 2018

第三天日程安排 -20183月(yuè)14日周四

08.45Welcome to Day Three論壇第三天的(de)歡迎辭Judy MacArthur Clark

Co-chairs:Zhao Yaofeng/Zhang Bing & Elliot Lilley

主持人(rén):趙要峰 /張冰 和(hé)Elliot Lilley

Session 5: Welfare of Larger Species


08.50Keynote: Considerations for the welfare of laboratory dogs and pigs used in research. 實驗研究中犬和(hé)豬的(de)福利應注意的(de)事項,Robert Hubrecht & Jan Lund Ottesen

Co-chairs: Tian Yong/Gao Changqing & Joe Garner

主持人(rén):田勇 / 高(gāo)常青、Joe Garner

Session 6: Welfare of mutant mice


09.30Keynote: Phenotypic monitoring – structuring activities and data collection to gain greater insights to support animal welfare 表型檢測—組織活動及數據的(de)收集以獲得(de)更多(duō)滿足動物(wù)福利的(de)見解 James Bussell

Co-chairs: Paul Finnemore & Wanyong Pang

主持人(rén):Paul Finnemore 、龐萬勇

Session 7: Dealing with severe and cumulative suffering in common laboratory species


10.30Humane and experimental end points: Lifetime use and cumulative severity 人(rén)道終點和(hé)實驗終點:終生實驗及累積性傷害的(de)嚴重性 Patricia Turner

11.00Experience of refining severity in non-human primates非人(rén)靈長(cháng)類動物(wù)嚴重傷害性實驗的(de)優化(huà) 呂龍寶Lv Longbao

11.30Strategies to avoid severe suffering in laboratory animals避免實驗動物(wù)受嚴重傷害痛苦的(de)策略 Elliot Lilley

12.00Panel discussion and Q&A (all Seminar speakers)對(duì)所有講演者的(de)集中提問和(hé)討(tǎo)論

12.20Closing comments and end of Seminar main programme

大(dà)會論壇閉幕緻辭 孫德明(míng)Sun Deming & Judy MacArthur Clark


14.00Optional Workshop (limited to maximum 50 attendees - pre-registration essential)

Workshop C.專題會場(chǎng)C(參會人(rén)應提前選擇注冊,限至50人(rén))

Leaders主講人(rén):Joe Garner & Robert Hubrecht (+ Jan Lund Ottesen & Michelle Creamer-Hente)

Title論壇專題:Social housing – for rodents, dogs & other species齧齒類、狗及其他(tā)物(wù)種動物(wù)的(de)群居飼養

Learning outcomes:預期成果:After participating in this workshop, individuals will be able to此專題将幫助參會人(rén)員(yuán):

a.explain the benefits and risks of social housing; and闡釋社群籠舍的(de)優點和(hé)風險。

b.use this knowledge in assessments of proposed research.運用(yòng)此知識評估研究方案。

c.They will have a working knowledge of husbandry practices necessary for successful social housing.建立對(duì)社群籠舍所需的(de)飼養實踐的(de)了(le)解。

17.00:Workshop ends專題論壇結束
四、會議(yì)報名聯系人(rén):申請表(附件 1)填寫清楚發至: 2003wangtianqi@163.com
孫德明(míng): 010-62179115;
邵奇鳴:15315510170 shaoqiming@harrens.com
鄒明(míng):13362100860 zoudent@163.com